Guest Editors: B.H.V. Topping, J.M. Adam, F.J. Pallarés, R. Bru, M.L. Romero
click on a paper title to read the abstract or purchase the full-text paper (price £20)
Sensitivity Analysis of the Postbuckling Behavior of Elastic Structures,
H.A. Mang, G. Höfinger and X. Jia |
1-22 |
Multiscale Modelling Strategies for Heterogeneous Materials,
C.J. Pearce, L. Kaczmarczyk and J. Novák |
23-49 |
Recent Advances Towards Reducing the Meshing and Re-Meshing Burden in Computational Sciences,
S.P.A. Bordas, T. Rabczuk, J.-J. Rodenas, P. Kerfriden, M. Moumnassi and S. Belouettar |
51-82 |
The Use of Symbolic Processing and Explicit Formulations in Computational Mechanics,
S.E. McCaslin, B.H. Dennis, P.S. Shiakolas, W.S. Chan, S. Nomura, B.P. Wang and K.L. Lawrence |
83-102 |
Inverse Techniques for the Characterisation of Mechanical and Piezoelectric Properties on Composite and Adaptive Structures: A Survey,
A.L. Araújo, C.M. Mota Soares and C.A. Mota Soares |
103-123 |
A Review of the Static and Vibration Analysis of Composite and Sandwich Structures using Radial Basis Functions,
A.J.M. Ferreira |
125-143 |
Computational Models for Wooden Structures,
M. Kaliske, C. Jenkel, S. Saft and E. Resch |
145-176 |
Structural Optimization: 1960-2010 and Beyond,
S. Hernandez |
177-222 |
Large Sparse Eigenvalue Solvers for the Determination of Hopf Bifurcations of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems,
K. Meerbergen |
223-246 |
Historic, Recent and Ongoing Applications of the Wittrick-Williams Algorithm,
F.W. Williams and D. Kennedy |
223-246 |
Finite Element Material Models for Concrete,
A.D. Jefferson |
265-279 |
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