Computational Science, Engineering & Technology Series ISSN 1759-3158
Edited by: B.H.V. Topping, C.A. Mota Soares
click on a chapter title to read the abstract or purchase the full-text chapter (price £20)
Preliminaries |
1. Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Technologies: Frontiers and Beyond,
A.K. Noor |
1 |
2. Recent Advances in Hexahedral Mesh Generation,
M. Müller-Hannemann |
19 |
3. Automatic Mesh Adaption: Towards User-Independent CFD,
F. Suerich-Gulick, C.Y. Lepage and W.G. Habashi |
43 |
4. Adaptive Algorithms for Free-Surface Flow Problems,
P.K. Jimack |
57 |
5. Resolution of Sparse Linear Systems of Equations: the RPK Strategy,
G. Montero, R. Montenegro, J.M. Escobar and E. Rodríguez |
81 |
6. Computational Modelling of Thermal-Fluid-Structure Interaction Processes,
M. Cross, A. Slone, A.J. Williams and T.N. Croft |
111 |
7. Multi-Scale Computational Modeling and Simulation,
Y.W. Kwon |
127 |
8. Multiscale Modeling as the Basis for Reliable Predictions of the Behaviour of Multi-Composed Materials,
R. Lackner, R. Blab, A. Jäger, M. Spiegl, K. Kappl, M. Wistuba, B. Gagliano and J. Eberhardsteiner |
153 |
9. Simulation and Optimization for Polymer Processing,
J. Sienz, J.F.T. Pittman and A. Polynkin |
189 |
10. Advances in Computational Contact Mechanics,
S.A. Meguid, A. Czekanski and J.F. Silva-Gomes |
219 |
11. Analysis of Plastic Deformations in Multibody System Dynamics,
H. Sugiyama and A.A. Shabana |
247 |
12. A Finite Element Approach to the Immersed Boundary Method,
D. Boffi, L. Gastaldi and L. Heltai |
271 |
13. Domain Decomposition Methods on Parallel Computers,
J. Kruis |
299 |
14. A Parallel Environment and Associated Strategies in Structural Non-Linear Analysis,
J.Y. Cognard, A. Poulhalec, F. Thomas and P. Verpeaux |
323 |
15. A Method to Avoid Premeditated Destructive Events on Buildings using Criminogenic Design in a Virtual Environment,
F.C. Hadipriono |
353 |
End matter / Index |
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