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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 83
Paper 138
A Pultruded GFRP Bridge Deck-to-Girder Connection System K.T. Park, Y.K. Hwang, Y.H. Lee and J. Jeong
Structure Research Deptartment, Korea Institute of Construction Technology, Goyang, South Korea Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
K.T. Park, Y.K. Hwang, Y.H. Lee, J. Jeong, "A Pultruded GFRP Bridge Deck-to-Girder Connection System", in B.H.V. Topping, G. Montero, R. Montenegro, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 138, 2006. doi:10.4203/ccp.83.138
Keywords: glass fibre, connection, bridge deck, static test, composite action, deck-coupling device.
Compared to concrete and steel that have been applied as the material of the bridge
deck so far, FRP material has the advantage of being both light weight and corrosion resistant.
Because of these factors, Busel [1] announced that active studies have been undertaken
on the development and application of the GFRP deck mainly in the USA and Canada
since the middle of 1990s. As the GFRP deck has generally a hollow section in a
transverse direction of the bridge axis, which is different with the deck that is fabricated
with concrete or steel, an effective GFRP deck-to-girder connection system is
required to maximize the effectiveness and applicability of the GFRP deck. Such
systems have been adopted to connect GFRP deck and girder worldwide as a
connection system using shear connectors by DARPA [2] and Moon [3], and a
mechanical connection system including the system using bolts by Christopher [4]
or clamps by Zhao [5], etc.
Jeniffer [6] proposed a device that can be used to connect the FRP deck and steel girder, using the shear connector that is installed at the filler and steel girder by welding. In addition to these, there have been recently studies on the systems to connect the GFRP deck and steel girder using a bonding agent by Keller [7]. This paper presents a new connection system different from the traditional GFRP deck-to-girder connection systems. To look for the structural performance of the proposed connection system, it is compared to the mechanical connection system by the testing. The connection system of GFRP deck and girder proposed in this paper is targeting at the profile of the GFRP deck section that has been already announced by Park et al. [8]. And the thickness of the steel-coupling device per member is applied as 10mm, which is a minimum thickness of roads where partial working load is applied as the main girder, as specified in the regulation that is applied to the steel deck plate in Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges in Korea [9]. The results of this paper are as follows:
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