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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433
CCP: 79
Edited by: B.H.V. Topping and C.A. Mota Soares
Paper 123

On the Investigation of Material Stability during the Simulation of Ductile Damage in Metallic Materials

F. Reusch and B. Svendsen

Chair of Mechanics, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Dortmund, Germany

Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
F. Reusch, B. Svendsen, "On the Investigation of Material Stability during the Simulation of Ductile Damage in Metallic Materials", in B.H.V. Topping, C.A. Mota Soares, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 123, 2004. doi:10.4203/ccp.79.123
Keywords: non-local damage models, material stability, loss of ellipticity, bifurcation, stabilization techniques.

This work is concerned with the analysis of stability, loss of stability and the associated bifuration phenomena in the context of local and non-local simulation of ductile damage in metallic materials at the structural level of finite elements and the material level of observation.

The numerical analysis of ductile damage and failure in engineering materials is often based on the micromechanical model of Gurson [1,2,3] and is quite sufficient for a large number of applications in solid mechanics. However, numerical studies in the context of the finite-element method demonstrate that, as with other such types of local damage models, the numerical simulation of the initiation and propagation of damage zones is not reliable and strongly mesh-dependent. The numerical problems concern the global load-displacement response as well as the onset, size and orientation of damage zones and thus to the reliability of the obtained results [4,5]. One possible way to overcome these problems with and shortcomings of the local modeling is the application of so-called non-local damage models. In particular, these are based on the introduction of a gradient type evolution equation of the damage variable regarding the spatial distribution of damage and thus the incorporation of a material length scale [6,7,8]. In this work we investigate the (material) stability behaviour of local Gurson-based damage modelling and a recently developed non-local gradient-extension at large deformation in order to be able to model the width and other physical aspects of the localization of the damage and failure process in metallic materials [8]. Such a non-local formulation of a damage model exhibits a multifield problem, which needs a closer look on the formulation of possible criteria for the preservation of the well-posedness of the underlying constitutive equations and thus the stability of the deformation process [9,10,11] and the uniqueness of the obtained solution [9,10,11]. The development and application of a criterion for loss of ellipticity is presented and accounts for the regularisation of the solution obtained by the non-local Gurson model [8,11]. Furthermore the regularizing effects of the non-locality of the damage evolution are investigated and it's effect on the stability of the numerical solution is presented.

Based on the obtained results, we demonstrate the application of new advanced techniques for the modelling and simulation of damage and failure in structures with the finite element method. The results of numerical simulations are presented using displacement-damage coupled element concepts for multiscale and multifield problems [11] together with the outlined gradient dependent non-local extension of the Gurson-model, in order to be able to model the width and other physical aspects of the localization of the damage and failure process in metallic materials.

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