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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 79
Paper 17
Optimal Configuration of Piezoelectric Actuators in Vibrating Piezolaminated Structures M.A. Hamdi Alaoui+*, M. Rahmoune+ and E. Benghoulam*
+Physics Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, Moulay Ismail University, Errachidia, Morocco
Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
M.A. Hamdi Alaoui, M. Rahmoune, E. Benghoulam, "Optimal Configuration of Piezoelectric Actuators in Vibrating Piezolaminated Structures", in B.H.V. Topping, C.A. Mota Soares, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 17, 2004. doi:10.4203/ccp.79.17
Keywords: piezoelectric, laminated structure, vibration, actuators.
Active and shape control of structures with a set laminated sensors and actuators is
gaining momentum [1]. In recent years new piezoelectric materials and advance
technologies have been developed. These technologies enable the deposition
of thin films and their integration into micro-electro-mechanical systems devices.
Recently, advanced composite materials with high specific stiffness and strength have
been widely used for aerospace applications. The development of smart composite
materials and adaptative structures with sensory/active capabilities has considerable
promise to improve the performance and reability of structural systems. There are
great technological implications for this class of structure, which can monitor their
own combine the superior mechanical properties of composite materials with their
inherent capability to sense and adapt their static and dynamic response. Numerous
studies on the modelling and analysis of piezolaminated composite structures have
been performed [2,3,4,5,6,7].
In naval research, particularly in marine fouling, very soon after their immersion in sea water, all structures are rapidly covered by a biological slime called biofouling. Numerous works on marine fouling prevention systems have been carried out: antifouling paints [8], ultrasonic waves [9] and more recently applications of piezoelectric materials [10]. A new and more efficient technique using piezoelectric films to induce mechanical vibrations have been reported [11]. Both experimental and theoretical studies concerning the efficiency of the mechanical vibration control induced by piezoelectric devices on immersed elastic homogeneous structures have been already carried out [12]. In order to obtain optimal results with piezoelectric polymers in acting, sensing and control applications, it is necessary to have accurate models of the mechanics of induced strain actuation. The design of control systems involving piezoelectric actuators and sensors requires an accurate knowledge of the transfer functions between the inputs and the outputs of the system. Consequently, the modelling of the dynamic of this type of structures seems significant. In this paper, the linear theory of piezo-elasticity is used to analyze steady state vibration of a simply rectangular laminated plate with piezoelectric polymer (PVDF) actuator patches bonded to the its surfaces. The mathematical model of a smart composite plate is formulated first, followed by vibration analysis. The active control of laminated composite plates using the piezoelectric elements is studied using the governing equation of motion. This study evaluates the effectiveness of actively controlled piezopolymers for antifouling process. References
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