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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 79
Paper 15
Electric Potential Approximations for an Eight Node Plate Finite Element O. Polit and I. Bruant
LMpX - Université Paris X, Ville d'Avray, France Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
O. Polit, I. Bruant, "Electric Potential Approximations for an Eight Node Plate Finite Element", in B.H.V. Topping, C.A. Mota Soares, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 15, 2004. doi:10.4203/ccp.79.15
Keywords: finite element, multilayered plates, piezoelectric, electric potential approximations, static and modal analysis.
The development of multilayered plates with piezoelectric
actuators and sensors is a very active trend in the research
community, as a result of different kinds of attractive applications such as
vibration control and noise attenuation.
Development of new numerical tools for analysing non-homogeneous
structures is very important for the last few years and
a survey of beam, plate and shell finite elements available for this kind of
coupled field problems are given in [1,2].
This work is about the development of a computational
tool without any classical numerical pathologies in the field of finite
element, simple to use and very efficient for both convergence
velocity and accuracy at a very low cost.
In the field of finite elements, two approaches were previously used
for the mechanical part, taking into account of the
transverse shear stress effects and using only five
unknown generalized displacements : the C
![]() ![]() In this work, a simple eight node plate finite element is presented, based on the FSDT for the displacement field. This plate finite element is defined in order to analyse this kind of coupled problems for both moderately thick and thin plates without any pathologies of classical plate finite elements (for example shear locking, membrane locking, spurious modes). It is based on previous work [3]. The potential function is approximated using the layerwise approach and two kinds of finite element approximations for the electric potential with respect to the thickness co-ordinate are presented in this work :
Furthermore and at the post-processing level, the transverse shear stresses and the normal electric displacement vector component are deduced using the equilibrium equations. In order to evaluate the efficiency of these finite elements, some static and dynamic tests have been previously conducted for the cylindrical bending of laminated plates [5]. In this work, laminated plates are evaluated in static and modal analysis and comparison are conducted with respect to elasticity solutions available in the literature from [6,7]. Some evaluations with respect to HSDT from [8] are also presented. Finally, some results using embedded piezoelectric shear actuator are given with respect to elasticity solutions from [9]. Results obtained are in good agreement and show the efficiency of these new finite elements. References
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