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International Journal of Railway Technology
ISSN 2049-5358
IJRT, Volume 7, Issue 4, 2018
Editor: J. Pombo

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Preliminaries and Contents Page  
Rail Energy Efficiency Improvement by Combining Coasting and Regenerative Braking,
L.A. Allen and S.I. Chien
The Influence of Thermal Dependency of Pad Stiffness on the Measurement of Rail Axial Load based on a Vibration Method,
H. Takahashi, K. Abe, F. Urakawa and K. Koro
Probabilistic Safety Analysis of Railway Lines,
E. Castillo, Z. Grande, A. Calviño, M. Nogal and A.J. O'Connor
Deterministic and Probabilistic Dynamic Allowance for Railway Bridges from Measurement,
L. Connolly, E.J. OBrien, A. O'Connor, D. Hajializadeh, C. Leahy and C. Bowe

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