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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433
CCP: 85
Edited by: B.H.V. Topping
Paper 79

A Numerical Procedure for Fitting the Parameters used by the Kosugi Model to Predict Hydraulic Properties of Bi-Modal Soils

L. Jendele1 and M. Kutilek2

1Cervenka Consulting, Prague, Czech Republic
2Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic

Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
L. Jendele, M. Kutilek, "A Numerical Procedure for Fitting the Parameters used by the Kosugi Model to Predict Hydraulic Properties of Bi-Modal Soils", in B.H.V. Topping, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Fifteenth UK Conference of the Association of Computational Mechanics in Engineering", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 79, 2007. doi:10.4203/ccp.85.79
Keywords: soil, Kosugi, bi-modal, saturation, retention, hydraulic conductivity, constitutive model, fitting.

The paper presents a numerical procedure for fitting the material parameters of the Kosugi model that has been extended for bi-modal soils [1]. It is used to predict soil water saturation and hydraulic conductivity curves. The model was successfully used for several soil types and delivers more accurate results than other well established models. The fitting procedure itself employs the Quasi-Newton, Powell or Levenberg-Maquardt method. Based on our experience, the Powell method is recommended. The constitutive model is characterized by the following two equations:

The first one predicts degree of effective soil saturation Si as a function of the hydraulic head of the capillary pressure hi. The second equation is used to calculate the soil relative hydraulic conductivity KRi. The model is employed for bi-modal soils, i.e. the two equations must be written separately for the matrix, (i=1) and structural pores, (i=2) and the procedure of fitting searches for optimal values of parameters hm1, hm2, , , , , , , , , Ks1, Ks2. The process of the parameters fitting consists of several steps. They are now described for the case of parameters hm1, hm2, , , i.e. for the prediction of the soil saturation curve.

  1. Read measured saturation curve data points, i.e. k data pairs (thetak, hk).
  2. Calculate residual and saturated volumetric water contents thetar,thetas and calculate soil effective saturation Sk, (in all the k points).
  3. Set value of hA, i.e. a capillary pressure at separation of matrix and structural pores. This value is indicated by a peak in dS/d(ln(h)). Calculate thetas1, which is saturated volumetric water content for matrix domain.
  4. Based on thetas1 calculate (measured) matrix and structural saturations S1, S2 in k points and compute the first approximation of the parameters hm1, hm2, , , (for prediction).
  5. Use the Powell or any other method to find the best approximation of S. S1+S2 is compared against measured S and it yields new values for hm1, hm2, , . The value of hA can be fixed or optimized. Our experience shows that manual setting of hA usually ensures better results.
In the next phase, carry on similar procedure to optimize the parameters for relative hydraulic conductivity prediction, i.e. , , , , , . Note that in this case we do npt have a good guess approximation similar to item 4. Hence, good starting values for the parameters are obtained simply by scanning the space of , , , (in many equally distributed points) for the best fit. Thereafter, the relevant parameters are optimized in similar way as described for the parameters hm1, hm2, , . It follows the same to find optimal values for Ks1 and Ks2.

The procedure described proves robust and efficient. It converges within a reasonably short time, thereby it allows use of the Kosugi model for bi-modal soils. Based on the present procedure a computer program was developed to automate the whole process of the parameter fitting.

M. Kutilek, "Soil hydraulic properties as related to soil structure", Soil Tillage Res, 79, 175-184, 2004. doi:10.1016/j.still.2004.07.006

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