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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 85
Paper 73
Metal Shear Panels as an Innovative System for Seismic Upgrading of Existing RC Buildings: From Numerical Analyses to Full-Scale Experimental Tests A. Formisano1, G. De Matteis2, S. Panico1 and F.M. Mazzolani1
1Department of Structural Engineering, University of Naples "Federico II", Italy
Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
A. Formisano, G. De Matteis, S. Panico, F.M. Mazzolani, "Metal Shear Panels as an Innovative System for Seismic Upgrading of Existing RC Buildings: From Numerical Analyses to Full-Scale Experimental Tests", in B.H.V. Topping, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Fifteenth UK Conference of the Association of Computational Mechanics in Engineering", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 73, 2007. doi:10.4203/ccp.85.73
Keywords: seismic retrofitting, RC buildings, metal shear panels, performance based design, FEM models, full-scale tests.
In the last few decades, the seismic rehabilitation of existing reinforced concrete buildings, which were originally designed according to gravity loading only, has represented an important aspect from the economic and social points of view, aiming at the re-qualification of urban areas especially where the realization of new structures was not acceptable.
Innovative techniques based on reversible solutions with the use of metallic dissipative elements may provide high levels of structural safety, limiting the plastic engagement of the primary structure. In such a context, the ILVA-IDEM research project, based on the execution of a series of experimental tests on a full-scale two-storeys RC structure located in the suburban area of Bagnoli, Naples [1]. The original RC framed structure has been subdivided in six separate structural modules, each one retrofitted by means of different innovative seismic devices. Within the above experimental campaign, in the current paper the use of both steel and pure aluminium panels applied as passive control devices of one of the existing RC modules is investigated. The applied metal shear panels, which have been inserted through an ad hoc surrounding steel frame, have been joined among them and to the external frame by means of bolted connections. A peculiar design procedure has been developed according to the provisions given by ATC-40 guidelines, hence in the framework of the "performance based design" methodology, in order to define the characteristic of the device in terms of stiffness and strength necessary to provide the required improvement of the exiting structure. Then, the shear panel geometry has been defined according to simplified analytical relationships and also to refined FEM models [2], allowing the implemented design procedure to be checked. Global numerical analysis of the retrofitted RC structure has been performed also [3], confirming the effectiveness of the developed procedure. Finally, two cyclic full-scale experimental tests have been carried out on the upgraded structure. The comparison between the performance of the bare structure (initial RC frame) with the reinforced ones (RC frame endowed with steel and aluminium shear panels) has confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed retrofitting systems, showing that steel shear panels can be mainly used as lateral load-resisting systems, while pure shear aluminium panels can be also actually used to increase the dissipative capacity of the primary frame. References
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