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International Journal of Railway Technology
ISSN 2049-5358
IJRT, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2014
Economic Challenges to Railway Innovations: Model-Based Analysis of Optimized Market Diffusion of Satellite-Based Localization Systems for Train Control Systems
R.S. Hosse, K. Burmeister and E. Schnieder

Institute for Traffic Safety and Automation Engineering, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany

Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
R.S. Hosse, K. Burmeister, E. Schnieder, "Economic Challenges to Railway Innovations: Model-Based Analysis of Optimized Market Diffusion of Satellite-Based Localization Systems for Train Control Systems", International Journal of Railway Technology, 3(1), 133-145, 2014. doi:10.4203/ijrt.3.1.7
Keywords: satellite based train control system, economic evaluations, market analysis, business plan, innovation management.

effort of engineering and business evaluations, since innovative railway technologies are interconnected with numerous systems. The basic problem of applying traditional business evaluation methodologies for railway innovations is the oversimplification and focus-narrowing. The oftentimes applied use cases represent benchmarks for all possible applications, but suffer from transferability to other application fields. Therefore, more comprehensive and generic business evaluation methods need to be developed. In so doing, the findings by business evaluations for railways become applicable to different markets.

This research work shows methods and findings, which have been applied in the EU project SATLOC. This project focuses on the application of satellite based train control systems in railways and thus represents an innovation for European railways. The performed business evaluations are based on semi-quantitative analyses and model-based approaches. Thus, more generic findings can be found and an EU-wide strategy can be proposed for increased innovation diffusion into the markets.

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