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Computational Science, Engineering & Technology Series
ISSN 1759-3158
Edited by: M. Papadrakakis, B.H.V. Topping
Chapter 13

Computer Aided Design of Profile Extrusion Dies

J. Sienz, C.E.K. Silva and E. Hinton

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Wales, Swansea, United Kingdom

Full Bibliographic Reference for this chapter
J. Sienz, C.E.K. Silva, E. Hinton, "Computer Aided Design of Profile Extrusion Dies", in M. Papadrakakis, B.H.V. Topping, (Editors), "Innovative Computational Methods for Structural Mechanics", Saxe-Coburg Publications, Stirlingshire, UK, Chapter 13, pp 271-303, 1999. doi:10.4203/csets.1.13
This chapter deals with computer aided design of profile extrusion dies used for polymer processing. After a brief introduction to the overall problem and the terminology of optimisation, the POLYOPT optimisation layer, which uses POLYFLOW as the simulation software and DOT as the optimisation software, is introduced. Several examples will show the feasibility of this approach.

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