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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 104
Paper 272
A Study on the Feasibility of adopting Identical Wheel Profiles for the Electric Multiple Unit F.T. Lin1,2, Y.M. Wang1, X.Q. Dong1, B. Wen1 and N. Wu1
1Locomotive & Car Research Institute, China Academy of Railway Sciences, Beijing, China
Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
F.T. Lin, Y.M. Wang, X.Q. Dong, B. Wen, N. Wu, "A Study on the Feasibility of adopting Identical Wheel Profiles for the Electric Multiple Unit", in J. Pombo, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 272, 2014. doi:10.4203/ccp.104.272
Keywords: high-speed multiple units, wheel profiles, wheel rail contact, dynamic performance.
Currently the Chinese Electrical Multiple Unit (EMU) CRH1/2/3/5/CRH380A/B
vehicles use three kinds the wheel profiles of LMA, CN and XP55. In practical
operation, these current wheel-rail pairs meet the dynamic performance
requirements, but so many wheel-rail pairs increase the difficulties in operation and
maintenance management. To choose a more appropriate wheel profile and
geometric parameters, the considering the feasibility of the EMU adopting identical
wheel profiles is an important issue facing the high-speed train.
Based on vehicle track system dynamics and the wheel-rail normal clearance
correction calculation of the semi-Hertz rolling contact theory, a vehicle-track
coupling dynamics model is established. Using this model the wheel-rail contact
geometry and dynamic characteristic of the three main kinds EMU CRH2/3/5 are
analysed adopting respectively; LMA/CN/XP55 wheel profile matching with the
CHN60/m rail profile. Comprehensive assessment of the feasibility of the EMU
adopting the identical wheel profiles to reduce the number of standard wheel
profiles. The results show that: LMA/CHN60 pairs have contact points with uniform
distribution, CN/CHN60 pairs have discontinuous contact points, XP55/CHN60
pairs have a small range of distribution of the contact points and jump points of
contact. Car lateral stability and the critical velocity decrease when the three kinds
EMU of CRH2/3/5 use two other wheel-rail pairs. Car lateral stability of CRH5 is
the most affected by different wheel-rail pairs among the three kinds EMU of
CRH2/3/5, the overall vehicle running safety worsens, so unification of the standard
wheel profile of the EMU of CRH2/3/5 is not feasible.
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