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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 104
Paper 97
Analysis on the Track Irregularity Power Spectral Density of the Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway X.B. Liu, H.Y. Li and W.D. Wang
Infrastructure Inspection Center, Chinese Academy of Railway Science, Beijing, China Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
X.B. Liu, H.Y. Li, W.D. Wang, "Analysis on the Track Irregularity Power Spectral Density of the Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway", in J. Pombo, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 97, 2014. doi:10.4203/ccp.104.97
Keywords: track irregularity, power spectral density (PSD), window function, PSD estimation method, median PSD, Beijing-Shanghai high speed railway.
Based on the research on current common window functions, this paper proposes a
new window function. The paper describes the window function, window length and
power spectral density (PSD) estimation method to calculate track irregularity PSD.
For comparison the track irregularity power spectral densities (PSDs) calculated
with different window functions, window lengths and PSD estimation methods.
Combing the above mentioned results and the data from the high speed
comprehensive inspection train, the paper analyzes the characteristics of track
irregularity PSD for the Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway and determines the
track irregularity PSD fitting equation. The statistic test shows that the track
irregularity PSD obeys the "chi squared" distribution with two degrees of freedom
and can be described with the track irregularity median PSD. The paper also
proposes the coefficients for calculating other percentile PSDs of the track
irregularity using the median PSD or the average PSD. By the analysis of the
characteristics of the track irregularity PSD for the Beijing-Shanghai High Speed
Railway, it can be concluded that: for subgrade sections, the medium and long
wavelength irregularity PSDs are slightly larger than the whole line track
irregularity PSD except spectrum peaks and troughs, which indicates that the track
irregularity conditions in the subgrade sections are slightly worse than those of the
bridge sections. The ballastless track on the Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway
has 6.5m periodic irregularities in the gauge, crosslevel, vertical and horizontal
alignment, 32m periodic irregularities in the vertical alignment and 100m periodic
irregularities in the horizontal alignment. The track irregularity PSD for the Beijing-
Shanghai High Speed Railway can be modelled with a piecewise power function.
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