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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433
CCP: 9/10
Edited by: B.H.V. Topping
Paper VII.8

Force Recovery Procedures in Nonlinear Analysis

Y-B. Yang and L-J. Leu

Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC

Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
Y-B. Yang, L-J. Leu, "Force Recovery Procedures in Nonlinear Analysis", in B.H.V. Topping, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing", Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK, pp 275-280, 1989. doi:10.4203/ccp.9.7.8
Conventionally, incremental-iterative schemes have been used in solving nonlinear problems. There are two phases involved in such analyses. The first or "predictor" phase relates to solution of the structural displacement increments from the total incremental equations of equilibrium, while the second or "corrector" phase is concerned with recovery of the element forces from the element displacement increments obtained in the first phase. In this paper, it will be demonstrated that accuracy of the numerical solutions depends primarily on the corrector or procedure for recovering the element forces. The expression used in the predictor can only affect the number of iterations required at each incremental step, but not the final shape of the load-deflection curves. A key factor in selecting the procedure for force recovery is that higher order nonlinear effects must be included, based on rigorous continuum mechanics formulations.

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