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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433
CCP: 88
Edited by: B.H.V. Topping and M. Papadrakakis
Paper 122

Crack Identification Using External Excitation and Coupled Response of a Continuously Modeled Rotor with Internal Damping, Mounted on Nonlinear Fluid Film Bearings

A.C. Chasalevris and C.A. Papadopoulos

Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, University of Patras, Greece

Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
A.C. Chasalevris, C.A. Papadopoulos, "Crack Identification Using External Excitation and Coupled Response of a Continuously Modeled Rotor with Internal Damping, Mounted on Nonlinear Fluid Film Bearings", in B.H.V. Topping, M. Papadrakakis, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 122, 2008. doi:10.4203/ccp.88.122
Keywords: rotor-bearing system, breathing crack, crack identification, continuous systems, coupling.

The coupling due to crack initially used in [1,2] has been widely used for rotor crack identification during last two decades as in [3,4,5] with one of the very recent works in [6] to introduce the continuous wavelet transform in order to investigate the coupling effects of the crack while breathing. In present work a rotor bearing system is constructed obtained from continuous rotor equations of motion as in [7,8] and finite fluid film bearings, combined in a novel way so as to compose a strongly non-linear dynamical system. The crack breathing model, that follows the well known strain energy release rate (SERR) method, has been recently developed in [9] and is used in this work to simulate the crack effect.

Using horizontal external excitation with constant frequency the coupling phenomenon in the vertical bending vibrations is introduced for specific time moments while crack is open, but is disappeared in time moments that the crack is closed. This coupling variance in time is extracted using a continuous wavelet transform in the time histories of steady state operation, yielding very sensitive results. This sensitivity is a benefit of analyzing the subtraction of time histories before and after crack development as in [10]. The proposed method combined with the current non-linear system is developed considering that many other defects can produce similar coupling behaviour introduced by the model, thus the main effort was to separate the crack coupling effects from other coupling mechanisms while in operation.

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