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Edited by: B. Kumar, I.A. MacLeod, A. Retik
Paper X.2

Advanced Engineering Computing and the Implications for Engineering Design Consultancies

P. Gardner

Built Environment Faculty, Southampton Institute of Higher Education, United Kingdom

Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
P. Gardner, "Advanced Engineering Computing and the Implications for Engineering Design Consultancies", in B. Kumar, I.A. MacLeod, A. Retik, (Editors), "Information Technology in Civil and Structural Engineering Design", Inverleith Spottiswoode, Edinburgh, UK, pp 147-151, 1996.
Over the last fifteen years, Information Technology has become an integral part of most industries and in many has resulted in restructuring. It is now making significant inroads into knowledge based industries including engineering design. Powerful software has the ability to codify the engineer's knowledge (but not experience). This paper investigates the implications of advanced engineering computing on the structural engineering profession. It draws on data from a study conducted by the Institution of Structural Engineers. It suggests that changes to the business environment (eg increased fee competition and recession), coupled with issues of computerisation, have significant managerial importance. Current developments in software and communications technology will lead to integrated design, based around single computer based building models. This may result in pressure to form multi-disciplinary practices or alternatively, computer linked "virtual" practices, formed for the duration of a project. Modern communications mean that project teams can be based at any location throughout the world.

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