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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 70
Paper V.2
Practical Advanced Analysis in Seismic Design of Steel Building Frames and 1997 LRFD Evaluations I.H. Chen+ and W.F. Chen#
+Skidmore Owings & Merrill LLP, San Francisco, CA, United States of America
Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
I.H. Chen, W.F. Chen, "Practical Advanced Analysis in Seismic Design of Steel Building Frames and 1997 LRFD Evaluations", in , (Editors), "Computational Steel Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK, pp 131-145, 2000. doi:10.4203/ccp.70.5.2
Advanced analysis refers to any method that captures the
strength and stability of a structural system and its individual
members in such a way that separate member capacity checks
are not required. However, these methods are either too
computational intensive, or cannot maintain same degree of
accuracy when applied to wide varieties of frame assemblies.
A practical advanced analysis, which eliminates these two
drawbacks, will be introduced and further applied to seismic
design of steel building frames. When practical advanced
analysis is applied to seismic design, it can optimize the final
design by controlling the failure mechanism and it can
eliminate drawbacks of the traditional LRFD K-factor
approach. Thus, it will be used to address the major design
impacts due to the 1997 LRFD seismic provision changes.
Overall, due to the influence of expected yield stress in the 97
code revisions, drift is likely to control the design even for
the concentrically braced frames. In summary, the advanced
analysis is consistent with LRFD design and provides a
system behavior of the design. Therefore, the proposed
method provides a practical alternative design procedure for
seismic design.
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