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Civil-Comp Conferences
ISSN 2753-3239
CCC: 3
Edited by: B.H.V. Topping and J. Kruis
Paper 15.2

Pendulum Impact Hammer Tests on Spruce Glued Laminated Timber - Preliminary Results

A.S. Cao, M. Lolli and A. Frangi

Institute of Structural Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
A.S. Cao, M. Lolli, A. Frangi, "Pendulum Impact Hammer Tests on Spruce Glued Laminated Timber - Preliminary Results", in B.H.V. Topping, J. Kruis, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK, Online volume: CCC 3, Paper 15.2, 2022, doi:10.4203/ccc.3.15.2
Keywords: impact loading, GLT, timber, pendulum impact hammer, experiments, disproportionate collapse, structural robustness, tall timber buildings.

In this paper, preliminary results are presented on pendulum impact hammer tests on full-scale glued laminated timber specimens with dimensions 200x200x3600 mm for the first time. For the tests, a pendulum with an effective mass of 3500 kg and length 4700 mm was built. The pendulum was instrumented with a high-speed camera, angular encoder, optical position-tracking system, and accelerometers. By considering potential energies and the damping in the system, the material toughness was determined to be between 327 and 534 kJ/m2. The maximum impact forces were determined from the deceleration of the pendulum during impact and were between 3565 and 4106 kN. The failure time was determined qualitatively from high-speed imagery to be between 10.18 and 11.58 ms. The dissipated energy is roughly equivalent to the kinetic energy of a 500 kg projectile traveling at 30 km/h.

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